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Shuttlecock Presents: Jackal in Kansas City

Flyer by Felix Durkin
From the ultra-violent hip-hop of Broward County to the consistently outrageous news headlines that come out of the state, Florida seems like a pretty fucked up place. It makes makes sense that Jackal rocks. Between its 2017 demo and this year's self-titled EP out on Painkiller Records, the hardcore punk band has roughly 10 minutes of recorded music, and it's all hard as hell. Hardcore record nerds and punk freaks with short attention spans alike should be stoked for the band's Kansas City debut next week. Local acts Prüde and Tremenda Venganza will be opening.

The show is on June 4, 2019 at the Middle East in Kansas City, Missouri (email or DM @ShuttlecockMag for the address). Doors open at 8pm and music will start at 9pm. All ages welcome. Bring $5-7 for Jackal if you can, but nobody will be turned away due to a lack of funds.

Facebook event here. Invite a homie.

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