Liquids. Photo by Will Mecca.
Liquids is a hardcore punk band with garage rock flair from Northwest Indiana. Writing "NWI" next to a band's name on a flyer was, at one time, an easy way to immediately pique the interest of many a DIY showgoer. The area was the infamous home of bands like The Coneheads, Big Zit, Ooze, C.C.T.V., and others. Liquids got started around the same time as all of those groups and has shared members with a few of them (despite some lineup changes over the years). All four of those aforementioned groups made it to Kansas City before their respective breakups, but Liquids, the last band alive from that scene and era, has (to my knowledge) never made it here until now.
See Liquids with Kansas City's Sarin Reaper, D.Y.E. and Piss Kinks (first show) at Pussy Palace (DM @ShuttlecockMag on social media or hit the email on our about page for the address) on Thursday, December 16, 2021. It's all ages, $10 (pay what you can), and music starts around 8 P.M.
[UPDATE - 12/14/21: This show has been moved from 22/32 to Pussy Palace. Contact us or a band playing if you need the new address.]
Click here for the Facebook event. Invite a friend.
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