Hotline TNT. Photo via Audiotree.
Hotline TNT is from many places. At one time Minneapolis, currently New York, and perhaps before Minneapolis, Vancouver? Regardless, what is important is how hard they rock. Their fuzzed-out dream pop and indie rock jams have won the hearts of musicians and music lovers worldwide, even after explicitly electing to keep the band's music off of streaming services -- YouTube uploads and physical copies are the only places you can hear them. That is, besides live in concert. And along with the good folks (singular) at The Silicone Times, we're bringing them back to Kansas City.
See Hotline TNT on December 13, 2021 at 22/32 (ask a punk or DM/email us for the address) in Kansas City, Missouri. Lawrence slowcore trio Flooding and Kansas City punks Foil will be opening up. It's all ages, $10 (PWYC), and music starts at 8 P.M.
Click here for the Facebook event. Invite some friends!
Flyer by Ian Teeple
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