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Zarin Micheal - "Fuck You" EP Stream

Zarin Micheal opening for Gee Watts in April
You may have first encountered Zarin Micheal through our interview earlier this year. You also may have heard his single "Autograph"  with Gee Watts from last month. Regardless of how or if you know him, the Kansas City rapper just turned 18 this month and is kicking off his legal adulthood with a surprise five song EP.

The release begins with "Off The Boat," a short battering ram of an introduction that outlines Micheal's plans for hip-hop dominance. "Fuck You" is filled with rumbling Yeezus-esque production handled by local producer Alexander Preston and Canadian collaborator Bijan Amir. One of the most impressive parts of the release is its cohesiveness. The EP's brooding production is matched perfectly with Micheal's dark imagery. Nobody else in Kansas City is rapping over these beats and to be frank, almost nobody else is capable of it. The grandiose fashion in which Micheal carries himself, dropping lewd sexual references and over-the-top biblical allusions, is comparable only to Black Album-era Jay-Z. Micheal performing his two most recent shows in all black certainly makes sense as well. On "Blackface" he opens by spitting, "All black like it's February/My black tux fuckin' legendary." At this point, whether you like him or not, Supa Z is all but destined to be a Kansas City legend. Look out for his full length project "Sinner Of Attention" coming later this year.

Stream "Fuck You" below and follow Zarin Micheal on Twitter.

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